Post con il tag: "(training course)"

16. settembre 2017
Today was the 6th day of the project and after long preparation we had to present our own workshops. We were divided in 6 groups by 3 facilitators and magic happened....
15. settembre 2017
After a long breakfast under the shining sun we remembered the incredible adventure of yesterday...
14. settembre 2017
Sounds of the happy birthday song , sung in ten different European languags were the start for this day. It continued with a trip to Vinci...
13. settembre 2017
We woke up this morning feeling fine, but suddenly everything changed. We played the exercise of Albatros...
12. settembre 2017
Once upon a time, in the heart of Tuscany, the Universe sent a group of 20 different cultured people in order to connect and to exchange some knowledge...



This project has been funded with support from European Commission, approved with Reference Number 2017-1-IT03-KA105-010433 

Via Villa Alessandri, 3 - 50059 Vinci (FI) - Italy -

Mobile: +39 347 6151141


Facebook: Associazione Agrado